Mentors & Support


Are you experiencing some behavioral issues with your greyhound? 
Or perhaps you just have some questions about the breed and how they are fitting in with the rest of your household? 
Colorado Greyhound Adoption has several methods of obtaining help from others in the greyhound community! 


Join the Colorado Greyhound Adoption Google Group and post your questions. There are currently over 700 members that belong to the group. Chances are that someone in the Google Group has been in your situation before, and can offer suggestions or answers to your questions.


E-mail your question to our Mentoring Team at We have a group of mentors who are experienced greyhound owners that may help with advice in your situation.

You can also the following links to other sites listed below for various resources:

-> Sue Brown of Love My Dog Training is a local behavioral consultant who is very familiar with the breed. She also provides a discount on Basic Training for any new greyhound adopted through CGA. There are also several "Ask the Trainer" articles on her site.

-> Denver Dumb Friends League is a great resources for behavioral issues such as resource guarding, house training, etc.

-> Arizona Adopt a Greyhound has compiled several articles on various behavioral issues.


Have A Lost Greyhound?


If your greyhound is lost responding quickly can make all the difference in the world. Acting immediately can make the difference between having your beloved companion home that day, or having to search for several more days. The following is a checklist of things you should do as soon as you realize your dog is missing.

If you have lost a greyhound adopted through Colorado Greyhound Adoption contact CGA immediately via the following pager number: 303-612-4319. Provide the following information:

  1. Dog's name

  2. Color (fawn, black w/white paws, brindle, etc.)

  3. Ear tattoo numbers

  4. Exact location where dog was lost

CGA will put an announcement on their facebook page and a message out to the egroups, notifying members of the lost dog.

Other Steps You Can Take To Find Your Greyhound:


Contact your local animal shelters and/or animal control agencies to file a lost dog report. In some cases, shelters ask that you come in personally to file a lost dog report, if that is the case, let CGA know and we will make the call for you. As a member of the ABRN they will often let us file a lost dog report over the phone. Provide the shelters with the same information listed above.


Call your veterinarian and other veterinarians in your area to alert them that your dog is missing. If your dog has been found and is injured, the person who found the dog will probably bring him to the closest veterinary office.


Post to Social Media.  Many cities have Facebook pages, send a post with a picture if possible to the city Facebook page.  Also, is an app and is the private social network for you, your neighbors and your community.  A post and picture on Nextdoor can quickly alert your neighbors of your lost dog.


Put up "LOST DOG" flyers all over your neighborhood. Include a photo of your dog if possible, contact phone numbers and information about the dog - name, color (remember most people don't know what fawn or brindle mean, tan colored or black/tan tiger markings can sometimes work better), dog's disposition (friendly, fearful, etc.)


Visit local schools and ask teachers and other employees if they have seen the dog. The dogs will often gravitate to areas where children are playing.


Canvass your neighborhood. Get family, friends to join in searching for your dog. CGA will provide volunteers as available to help in your search. Make sure to have a lead and collar with you and some dog treats to lure a frightened dog.


We hope that you will never be put in this position, but want you to know that CGA will do everything possible to help you find your dog if he should ever get lost. Please read the following information on steps to prevent your dog from getting lost in the first place.


Safety Tips


In the blink of an eye a greyhound can go from 0 mph to 45 mph and be gone in a flash, below is a list of ways you can help keep your dog safe and prevent him from getting lost:


ALWAYS keep a collar and tags on your greyhound. Many a lost dog has gotten out via the backyard gate or front door without identification. CGA provides you with a pager tag and name tag at time of adoption. The pager tag is manned 24 hours by a CGA volunteer so that we can reunite a found dog with his owner immediately. Jingling tags the reason you take Fido's collar off? No problem, you can buy dog collars with pockets for tags or simply rubber band the tags together to keep them from "clinking" against each other.


RECORD your dog's ear tattoo numbers. This is a great way to identify the dog if the tags are missing. Your dog's ear tattoo numbers are provided to you at adoption. If you want to verify the numbers, place a flashlight behind the dog's ear and flash the light through the ear (the light beam going from outside of the ear to the inside) this will clearly illuminate the numbers and make them easier to read.


CLOSE the garage door. When unloading groceries or returning from trips, make sure the garage door is completely closed behind you before opening doors that access your house. Your greyhound can easily slip past you when you open the door (the door from the garage to the house should be kept closed) and out through the garage.


CLOSE the front door. If you live in a townhouse, condo or apartment, place your dog in his crate or a secured room before bringing in packages. Front doors opening and closing frequently increase the chances of your dog getting out.


WHEN you have company. If you have children who are having friends over or if you are entertaining (especially during the holidays) make sure the dog is in a secure place (the crate is perfect) to ensure that he will not get out through the front door in all the excitement. Your guests are not necessarily greyhound/dog savvy and may not think twice about leaving the front door open while waiting for someone to come up the walk.


SECURE your backyard gate. Make sure that you yard is secured. Your children, their friends, the meter reader, anyone with access to your backyard can accidentally leave the gate unlatched or worse, completely open, and your dog can get out. If you are expecting people and/or children to be in and out of the yard, keep your dog inside to ensure he won't get loose.


KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES. This is the cardinal rule for all dog owners. Whether you own a greyhound or a poodle, statistics show that most lost dogs were "off-leash" in an unsecured area when lost. A dog is no match for traffic, the elements, and wildlife - PLEASE protect your dog in the easiest way possible, keep him leashed - it is for his life




What’s a Google group?  It’s a method for providing general communication to Colorado Greyhound Adoption members, adopters, and others interested in greyhounds, hosted by Google.  You can read about upcoming events, meet & greets, and meetings.  Post questions about medical issues, behavior/training, and greyhound stories.


To subscribe to the COGreyhoundAdoption Google Group, please fill out the form below:


Once you have subscribed to the Google Group, you can post messages by sending an email to:


If you would like to receive announcements about CGA, there is a Google Group that only posts upcoming events, it is not a discussion group.

To subscribe to CGA Announcements Google Group, please fill out the form below: