Meet & Greet Guidelines
1.CGA Meet and Greets are generally for Greyhounds. If you bring another breed
dog with you, that dog must be at least one year of age, trained and well
socialized. Owners with disruptive dogs will be asked to leave.
2. Dogs must be in good health (treated injuries excepted) and be current on
3. Dogs must be well socialized. Dogs that are shy are welcome and encouraged to
participate provided there is no risk of “fear biting.” Dogs that may act
aggressively towards other dogs or are extremely prey oriented may not
participate at meet & greet events.
4. Owners must be in control of their dogs at all times and are responsible for
insuring that their dogs do not menace small mammals and birds which may be
present at the meet & greet locations.
5. Owners are responsible for cleaning up any “accidents” made by their dogs.
6. Please respect the business that is donating their space to us, and understand that
their business is to sell pet-related supplies. At no time should we interfere with
their ability to run their business. Please refrain from:
A: Blocking access to cashiers or products.
B: Offering merchandise of any kind for sale at a Meet and Greet event, whether
that merchandise is CGA merchandise, or individual enterprise. Either type of
offering is unacceptable as it threatens our relationship with the store, and our
7. Volunteers are asked to use good judgment regarding personal conversations
when interested parties approach the Meet and Greet. While Meet and Greet
events are a wonderful forum for greyhound owners to network with other
greyhound owners, we need to be sensitive to the interested party. Please give a
prospective adopter your full attention when he or she is inquiring about
greyhound adoption.
8. Meet and Greet Events are also a wonderful tool to attract new volunteers.
Please make an extra effort to welcome and include new volunteers and their
9. Colorado Greyhound Adoption maintains a neutral stance on the issue of dog
racing. Please do not comment on the racing industry. If you are not sure
how to answer a question about greyhound racing, please refer the inquiring
party to our main number.
10. Greyhounds are not the right dog for everyone, if you determine in your
conversation that the family would be better suited to another breed, please refer
them to their local animal shelter.
Colorado Greyhound Adoption’s mission is finding permanent loving homes for and
promoting the adoption and welfare of retired racing greyhounds as excellent family pets.
Meet and Greet events can help us do both!
Thank you for your participation in this program.